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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Featured tomato: Kazahkstan Giant

TOMATO 30 seeds, KAZAHKSTAN GIANT, very rare, red, heirloom tomato
TOMATO 30 seeds, KAZAHKSTAN GIANT, very rare, red, heirloom tomato TOMATO 30 seeds, KAZAHKSTAN GIANT, very rare, red, heirloom tomato TOMATO 30 seeds, KAZAHKSTAN GIANT, very rare, red, heirloom tomato
Kazakhstan Giant. This is the first year I've grown this tomato. I traded tomato seeds with someone and this is one of the varieties I got. Giant is in it's name and I suspect it would be a larger tomato if I had grown it in the ground. This is one of the ones I grew in pots because it was the only plant that came from seed and if we were to have hail or bad wind, I brought it under cover. It is an interesting tomato to me because of where it is from. Kazakhstan is so exotic. It is flavorful and productive and can be used for sauce or fresh eating.

Buy seeds here!

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