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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Featured tomato: Green Grape

Green Grape. This is an indeterminate plant with grape shaped cherry tomatoes that ripen lime green. It is a very flavorful tomato with a complex, fruity flavor. Bears well with fruit coming in trusses of 6-8. Great on a vegetable dip platter with white, red, yellow, orange, and black cherry tomatoes. Great for garden grazing as well.

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Green Grape, tasty little gem, 10 seeds sample pack,

Buy seeds here!

Featured tomato: Skorospelka

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Skorospelka, from Russia 10 seeds sample pack, rare
Skorspelka This is an indeterminate plant with red, medium, round fruit. Good flavor, good production, and great for eating fresh sliced and in salads. Hails from Russia.

Featured tomato: Woodle Orange

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Woodle Orange, fun name, tasty tomato  10 seeds sample pack
Woodle Orange. I love the name of this tomato.It does bear large, round orange fruit abundantly on indeterminate plants. Tasty if somewhat mild (less acidic). Great addition to fresh salsa and salads. Limited quantity.

Featured tomato: Black Star

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Black Star,  10 seeds sample pack
Black Star. This is the first year I've grown this tomato. I got the seeds for this variety from Germany. The name on the packet was in English making me think it is a variety from an English speaking country. Sorry, I've forgotten to take a picture of it, but it is black, round, and is medium in size. It would have been more productive if a storm hadn't broke the stake and the plant at the base. Consequently, I only have a limited amount of seed. If you are interested, you best get them now. I will sell them until they are sold out. The taste is good, like a tomato ought to taste and could be used for fresh eating as well as for sauce. 

Featured tomato: Porec

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Porec, from Croatia 10 seeds sample pack
Porec. I understand a little Slovene which is similar to Croatian. I believe the name to be pronounced "porehch" or "porehts". It's difficult to determine because it'snot known whether there is a carrot over the c. This indeterminate plant bears small to medium red tomatoes with a good yield. Good taste and it is quite meaty. This is a very rare variety from Croatia. What's so special about heirloom tomatoes? The idea that an heirloom is a variety that has been grown by generations and passed down from person to person is really very fascinating. And they just taste better.What's so special about heirloom tomatoes? The idea that an heirloom is a variety that has been grown by generations and passed down from person to person is really very fascinating. And they just taste better.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Featured tomato: Schemmig Striped Hollow

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Schemmig Striped Hollow, great tomato for stuffing 10 seeds sample pack
Schemmig Striped Hollow. German heirloom. This is one of my more interesting varieties. It is somewhat like a pepper inside. The top can be sliced off and the seeds are stuck in the center for easy removal. There is very little meat inside but the walls are nice and thick for stuffing. It is red with gold stripes, The tomato themselves are medium in size. A perfect serving for a stuffed tomato. Has been productive for me. Interesting flavor.

Featured tomato: Humer

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Humer, rare yellow tomato from Ukraine,10 seeds sample pack
Humer/Humar This offer is for the seeds of the rare Ukrainian heirloom tomato Humer or Humar. This is a medium size, slightly pointed round tomato that is orange in color. It has a great flavor, a perfect mix of tart and sweet and the texture can only be described as creamy. Great for sandwiches and salads or eating out of hand. Sure to be a favorite 

Featured tomato: Green Zebra

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Green Zebra ripens green,yellow stripes 10 seeds sample pack
Green Zebra This indeterminate plant bears medium sized green fruit which is greenish yellow with darker green stripes. Green tomatoes are full of flavor. Out of all the tomatoes, I think they taste best, not as acidic as red tomatoes. Makes an interesting addition to summer salads, sandwiches and home made fresh salsa...especially mixed with red, white, yellow, pink, and black tomatoes. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Featured tomato: Tigerella, Mr. Stripey

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Tigerella, Mr. Stripey, England, 10 seeds sample pack,
Tigerella. United Kingdom. This indeterminate plant bears small tomatoes that are like a large cherry tomato. It has a somewhat mild flavor and are good for salads. This is a red tomato with gold stripes. I have also seen this variety called Mr. Stripey.

Featured tomato: Giant White Oxheart

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Giant White Oxheart, white tomato, huge, 10 seeds sample pack,
Giant White Oxheart, This indeterminate plant bears huge size tomatoes that are white, flavorful, and heart shaped. There's a nice combination of tang and sweet. Holds up well in sandwiches. Bears well considering it is producing a multitude of very large tomatoes. Makes an interesting addition to summer salads, sandwiches and home made fresh salsa...especially mixed with red, white, yellow, pink, and black tomatoes. What's so special about heirloom tomatoes? The idea that an heirloom is a variety that has been grown by generations and passed down from person to person is really very fascinating. And they just taste better.

Featured tomato: Slovene Black

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Slovene Black,Slovenia, very rare, 10 seeds sample pack,
TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Slovene Black,Slovenia, very rare, 10 seeds sample pack,TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Slovene Black,Slovenia, very rare, 10 seeds sample pack,TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Slovene Black,Slovenia, very rare, 10 seeds sample pack,
Slovene Black. An heirloom from Slovenia. It is a medium sized beefsteak type black tomato. It has excellent black tomato flavor and as with all black tomatoes, is healthier for you because of the extra anti-oxidants. This variety is great sliced for sandwiches, cut up for salads and can be made into a rich, dark, healthful sauce. Produces well as proved by our lousy cool, cloudy, wet summer last year. I picked quite a few tomatoes of this variety.

Featured tomato: Tarasenko

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Tarasenko, Russian 10 seeds sample pack,

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Tarasenko, Russian 10 seeds sample pack,
TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Tarasenko, Russian 10 seeds sample pack,TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Tarasenko, Russian 10 seeds sample pack,TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Tarasenko, Russian 10 seeds sample pack,
Tarasenko is an indeterminate variety from Russia. Medium, rosey pink, heart. Very tasty.
TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Sasha Altai, Siberia Russia, cold tolerant 10 seeds sample pack,
Sasha Altai. This indeterminate plant bears small to medium rosey pink/red tomatoes. The great thing about this variety is that it is from Siberia. It has excellent cold tolerance so will set fruit at lower temperatures in the spring and into the fall. Because they are not large fruit, it ripens quickly, early, and even if it is somewhat chilly. It cannot, however, take extreme heat. It is indeterminate and tasty..

Featured tomato: Spitze

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Spitze, red, elongated, Romania  10 seeds sample pack,
TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Spitze, red, elongated, Romania  10 seeds sample pack,TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Spitze, red, elongated, Romania  10 seeds sample pack,
Spitze. This is an indeterminate plant with elongated, red, tomatoes which are excellent for sauce. This variety comes from Romania and I believe the name means "horn" or "devil's horn". If my memory is correct, it means that. Excellent production, excellent taste. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM,Red Boar, 10 seeds sample pack, red, striped
TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM,Red Boar, 10 seeds sample pack, red, stripedTOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM,Red Boar, 10 seeds sample pack, red, stripedTOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM,Red Boar, 10 seeds sample pack, red, striped
Red Boar. This indeterminate plant bears medium to large size tomatoes that are red with gold stripes, or gold with red stripes. The overall effect is that the tomato is a light gold. The meat is a dark red. Good flavor. Makes an interesting addition to summer salads, sandwiches and home made fresh salsa...especially mixed with red, white, yellow, pink, and black tomatoes.

Featured tomato: Ildi, Russian

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Ildi, 10 seeds sample pack, Russian yellow grape tomato, very prolific
Ildi Russian heirloom yellow grape tomato. This is a VERY prolific tomato. It bears it's grape tomato size fruit in clusters of up to 60 tomatoes. It has very good, on the sweet side flavor and is a real hit with kids. I often would go out to pick these and the plants would be devoid of every ripe one and near ripe one. Consumed by the kids during a garden grazing.

Featured tomato: Moldovan Green

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Maldovian Green, 10 seeds sample pack, very rare, green tomato
Maldovan Green This is a small to medium green tomato with great green tomato flavor, fruity and complex. Production is good. Add this very rare tomato to your collection.

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Cuban Black, small, black, tasty, 10 seeds sample pack, rare

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Cuban Black, small, black, tasty, 10 seeds sample pack, rare
Cuban Black. This is a new variety for me this year. It is a good producer with a good mix of meat to seed which gives the best flavor. It is a black tomato so it is higher in antioxidants than red tomatoes. Cuban Black has the typical flavor of a black tomato and is multipurpose fresh, canning, and sauce. It's country of origin is Cuba.

Featured tomato: Nepal

TOMATO SEEDS, HEIRLOOM, Nepal, small, red, early, cold tolerant, 10 seeds sample pack
Nepal This is one of the more exotic varieties I grow. What could be more remote than the home of Mt. Everest? It bears red, firm, fruit which is crack resistant. Good, rich heirloom tomato flavor. Perfectly suited to be grown in high altitude areas of intense sun and cooler temperatures. Early to bear.